Regulatory Compliance - Managing Privileged Users on the AS/400 (System i)
Many banks running banking applications such as FiServ or Jack Henry store their most critical data on AS/400 servers. One of the most common security lapses uncovered in System i and AS/400 audits is too many people with access to critical data. Read this white paper to learn about managing, limiting, and auditing privileged and powerful user accounts on the AS/400. Referencing relevant sections from COBIT and ISO 27002 (17799), this insightful white paper also reveals what your auditors are looking for and how you can effectively meet their requirements.
Discover answers to the following questions:
- What are the security exposures from powerful user accounts with SECOFR user class and special authorities such as *ALLOBJ?
- What are your auditors looking for?
- How do Information Technology frameworks such as COBIT and ISO 27002 (17799) affect your business, and how can you configure your system to comply with them?