Implementing DSD'S Top 35 Mitigation Strategies
Simple fact - governments across the globe have been victims of attacks in one form or another. The frequency of these attacks has varied and the motives range from a self-deluded intention of doing good for society, to monetary or political gain or for no other reason than to demonstrate the ability to pull off such an attack. Because of a heavy reliance on the capabilities of systems, disruptions and downtime can have catastrophic effects.
In response, Australia Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) has released a guide advocating the Defence-in-Depth concept. This concept relates to the process of how and what is used for protection of federal networks.
Read this informational guide that provides a simplified round-up of the 35 mitigating strategies for detection, protection and mitigation of attacks targeting Australia and New Zealand.
Sourcefire, a world leader in intelligent cybersecurity solutions, is transforming the way global large- to mid-size organizations and government agencies manage and minimize security risks to their dynamic networks, endpoints, mobile devices and virtual environments.