Business Email Compromise (BEC) , Email Security & Protection , Email Threat Protection
Evolving Threats, Innovative Responses - How to Effectively Combat Spear-Phishing & Data Leaks
Targeted email attacks represent one of the most significant IT threats facing healthcare and financial services today from a data security perspective. Many of the large, widely publicized data breaches in recent years have started with a single, carefully crafted and personalized email that tricked the targeted recipient and ultimately resulted in malware infections or exposure of their login credentials which was followed by data theft or other damage. These attacks are highly-targeted and seemingly innocent to traditional reputation, content scanning and sender verification techniques used today. Enterprises have no method, tool, or process to detect or effectively manage such attacks until it is too late.
Join this webcast and learn about:
- The anatomy of a targeted attack and how they are stealing not only financial information but sensitive corporate data
- How Big Data technologies are being used to address the challenges of detecting and defeating highly-targeted attacks
- Effective methods to protect your sensitive healthcare and financial data anywhere you go - even on mobile devices and public terminals
- Best practices for creating the right policies for data privacy and encryption including risk analysis
- How to extend a protection strategy to protect sensitive data, in all formats, across the entire organization