Register for FBIIC/FSSCC Pandemic Flu Exercise of 2007
How prepared is your financial institution in the event a pandemic hits? Financial institutions may now register to participate in the pandemic flu exercise for the financial services sector. From September 24 through October 12, the Financial Banking Information Infrastructure Committee (FBIIC) and the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council (FSSCC) will conduct a pandemic flu exercise. The exercise is sponsored by the US Department of the Treasury and the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association. Deadline for registration is August 31, 2007.
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The organizers of the exercise have set objectives for the exercise:
1. Enhance the understanding of systemic risks to the sector
2. Provide an opportunity for firms to test their pandemic plans
3. Examine how the effect of a pandemic flu on other critical infrastructures will impact the financial services sector
Key facts for institutions to consider when deciding to register for the exercise:
• The exercise is open to all members of the financial services industry in the US
• Participation is voluntary and free of charge
• The exercise will be conducted through a secure website, and anonymity will be respected
To get more information on the exercise institutions may go to: Registration for Pandemic Flu Exercise. The site contains all the information you’ll need about registration, including an FAQ section: Pandemic Flu Exercise FAQs