The House on April 23 passed a second cyberthreat information sharing bill, the National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act. Now it will be combined with the previously approved Protecting Cyber Networks Act before it's sent to the Senate.
In conducting due diligence, investors spend more time than ever assessing the cyber-risk posed by the company targeted for acquisition, says Jacob Olcott, VP for business development at Bitsight Technologies.
Amidst a flurry of security breaches and new legislation, privacy suddenly has gained a higher profile globally. Michelle Dennedy of Intel Security and Trevor Hughes of the IAPP discuss the new prominence of privacy.
No longer just a second fiddle to security, privacy has emerged as a global hot topic - and a growing career option. Michelle Dennedy of Intel Security talks about what it takes to make a career in privacy.
Security is often seen as 'the department of no,' and that image must change. Amit Chatterjee of CA Technologies prescribes a new approach to enterprise security and how security leaders can step up to it.
Neustar has just released its State of DDoS report. What are the highlights? Margee Abrams of Neustar offers insights into the key findings and how organizations are successfully defending against attacks.
Everyone is talking about threat intelligence. But what are they actually doing to create actionable intel to improve their security posture? Chris Richter of Level 3 offers insight and strategies.
Emerging technologies open new doorways for insiders to commit fraud. Insider threat expert Randy Trzeciak talks about the latest tools and techniques to spot rogue insiders before they steal the digital goods.
Eduardo Perez, Visa's senior vice president of risk services, says the U.S. push for EMV is moving forward, even though a majority of U.S. merchants will not make the October 2015 liability shift date.
While financial services have focused attention on information sharing for the past two years, other verticals are just starting to catch up. What are potential legal obstacles? Attorney Joseph Burton offers tips.
Andy Ellis, chief security officer of Akamai Technologies, says that in today's burgeoning information security talent marketplace, as a hiring manager the quality he hires above all is passion.
In his new role at a new company, security veteran Sam Curry is both CSO and CTO at Arbor Networks. What are the unique challenges, as well as the opportunities to improve how organizations protect their digital assets?
Dr. Zulfikar Ramzan is the new CTO at RSA, and he's focused on advanced threats. What are the technology nuances behind today's top threats, and how can organizations best defend themselves?
Legislation to encourage businesses to share voluntarily cyberthreat information with the federal government by giving them liability protection has won overwhelming approval by the House of Representatives.
How badly does the president want Congress to enact cyberthreat information-sharing legislation? Despite concerns over provisions of two bills, the White House isn't threatening vetoes as it did in previous congresses when raising similar objections.
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