Encrypted browsing - using HTTPS - helps secure online communications, and Apple says developers must now employ the protocol by default. Likewise, the White House says that by 2017, all federal websites must adopt HTTPS-only policies.
Too few security systems interoperate, which makes it difficult for organizations to block or detect data breaches. But Cisco has an interoperability plan to improve the state of cybersecurity defenses, Chief Security Architect Martin Roesch says.
By 2018, Javelin predicts that new account fraud and account takeover will eclipse present worries about POS attacks and retail breaches. Why breached PII should be our biggest worry.
Kaspersky Lab has discovered a new, advanced persistent threat - inside its own networks. Dubbed Duqu 2.0, the malware has ties to Stuxnet, and was used to target Iranian nuclear negotiations, researchers say.
If you look at recent breaches, you see a common thread: If privileged identities were better managed, breach impacts would greatly lessen. Bill Mann of Centrify discusses the essentials of privileged ID management.
Gartner's Claudio Neiva says there is only so much an intrusion detection and prevention system can do, so organizations need to take additional steps to safeguard critical data and systems.
For Symantec, the investigation into the Duqu 2 began May 29, when Kaspersky Lab shared samples of the espionage malware - which is based on Flame and Stuxnet - and asked the security researchers to help verify its findings.
A three-month breach of card transactions at New York's Eataly restaurant/grocery store, and reports about two new malware strains, highlight why more attention needs to be paid to POS system security.
When it comes to advanced threat protection, security leaders increasingly turn to new machine learning solutions. Stephen Newman of Damballa discusses key skills and strategies necessary for success.
The Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit tackles digital business, a concept that blurs the physical and digital worlds, and requires organizations to reconsider how they approach IT security and risk management.
Financial services firms are increasingly applying contextual security tools to help identify fraud more quickly. But a shift to continuous authentication will provide even better security, says Vasco's Jan Valcke.
When it comes to advanced threat protection, security leaders increasingly turn to new machine learning solutions. Stephen Newman of Damballa discusses key skills and strategies necessary for success.
This year's Infosecurity Europe conference in London - celebrating its 20th anniversary - decamped from Earl's Court to the glass-topped, 19th-century Olympia Conference Center, and featured more than 300 exhibitors and 200 speakers.
Intel Security cybercrime expert Raj Samani says that after the April disruption of the Beebone botnet by law enforcement agencies, researchers have found more infected nodes than normal, largely in Iran.
How does an advanced threat adversary operate for 10 years, undetected? FireEye APAC CTO Bryce Boland shares details of the decade-long APT30 campaign that targeted organizations in India and Southeast Asia.
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