The proposed guidance from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration focuses on hardening a vehicle's electronic architecture against cyberattacks and to ensure vehicle systems take appropriate actions even if an attack succeeds.
The hacktivist who allegedly launched distributed denial-of-service attacks in 2014 on Children's Hospital of Boston and another local healthcare facility in protest of a controversial child custody case has been arraigned on federal charges. Indictment documents provide details on the impact of the attacks.
Internet of things security takeaway: Save yourself, and by doing so, maybe help save the rest of us too. That's the obvious takeaway from the rise of low-tech, high-impact Mirai malware, which has been tied to the record-setting Oct. 21 DDoS attack against Dyn.
Apple's security defenses have improved dramatically in recent years, but poorly written drivers in third-party applications could provide key access to critical parts of macOS.
Proposed federal cybersecurity standards for the nation's largest banks would mainly mandate what's been recommended in earlier guidance. So compliance shouldn't be challenging.
Chinese manufacturer Xiongmai has promised to replace or patch some IoT components that attackers are using to build massive internet of things Mirai botnets to wage DDoS attacks, such as the Oct. 21 disruption of DNS provider Dyn. But security experts question whether these moves will blunt future IoT attacks.
Changes in NIST's upcoming revision of its security and privacy controls guidance acknowledge the view that security and privacy are concerns for all sectors, not just the federal government.
There are two Yahoo conspiracy theories: It was hacked by a "state-sponsored actor," and it disabled email forwarding to prevent a post-breach exodus. Although neither scenario appears to be true, that doesn't mean the badly breached search giant is in the clear.
Neutering the army of web-connected devices used in the large internet attack that hampered access to major sites - including Amazon, PayPal, Spotify and Twitter - is technically possible. But no option offers either a great or near-term fix.
Widespread website outages beginning early Oct. 21 are suspected to have been caused by a massive distributed denial-of-service attack against DNS service provider Dyn. Numerous sites, including Amazon and Twitter, were sporadically unavailable.
Some 3.2 million Indian debit cards may have been compromised, according to the National Payments Council of India. While investigations are ongoing and several banks have reissued at-risk cards, the source of the card exposure has not been officially confirmed.
Former NSA contractor Harold T. Martin III., who is accused of pilfering mass quantities of highly classified information, will remain in jail until his trial. Martin engaged in "a course of felonious conduct that is breathtaking in its longevity and scale," prosecutors say.
Despite high-profile leaks and the attention given to the insider threat, many organizations still fail to even see that they have an insider threat problem. Ajit Sancheti, CEO of Preempt, discusses what's needed to improve insider threat detection.
In an interview, experts from one of the FFIEC's five regulatory agencies explain why the council released a "frequently asked questions" guide to its Cybersecurity Assessment Tool and how they hope banking institutions will put the FAQ to use.
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