Ondrej Krehel
Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics, LIFARS LLC
Krehel is the Digital Forensic Lead, CEO & Founder of LIFARS LLC, an international cybersecurity and digital forensics firm, and the Captain at Cyber Team Six, an elite incident response team. He's the former CISO of Identity Theft 911, the nation's premier identity theft recovery and data breach management service. He previously conducted forensics investigations and cyber security consulting at Stroz Friedberg. With two decades of experience, he conducted a wide range of investigations including data breached through computer intrusions, theft of intellectual property, massive deletions, defragmentation, file carvings, anti-money laundering, financial fraud, mathematical modeling and computer hacking. Krehel's experience also includes working as the IT Security Technical Project Leader for the Loews Corporation, Fortune 100 in NYC, and as a computer analyst for the Slovakian government-owned utility company.